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Burn Program

The Columbia Conservation District issues burning permits to landowners, as well as provides related resources about burn programs through the State of Washington Ecology Dept. For questions about burns or to get a permit, call or visit the Columbia Conservation District at 202 S 2nd St, Dayton Wa.

Burning Questions (get it?)

How do I know if it’s a burn day or not? 

There are two ways to find out if it is a burn day

  • Option 1- Call 1 (800) 406-5322
  • Option 2- Sign up for the daily burn decision email – Click Here
Do I need a permit to burn? 

Almost all agricultural burning requires a permit. The following List includes but is not limited to burns needing permits

  • Post harvest field and crop residue
  • Vineyard and orchard tree tear outs
  • Cereal grain stubble
  • Small spots in fields
  • Bale fires
  • Orchard and field flaming
Can I burn yard waste? 

Maybe. Depending on if you live in an Urban Growth Area or not will determine if you are able to burn yard waste. For more information regarding outdoor and residential burning, click the link below. However, no burning of any kind is allowed on a Agricultural No Burn Day.

How can the Columbia Conservation District help me with burns? 

We are able to assist in answering questions about burns, as well as writing and administering permits for agricultural burns. We can also give technical assistance if you need non-agricultural burn permits through the Dept. of Ecology


Field Burn Application docxField Burn ApplicationBurn Zone Map

Air Quality Map

Wa. Dept of Ecology Permitting

Urban Growth Areas

Burn Ban Map

Outdoor and Residential Burning

On days with a high AQI index, building a cheap clean air fan can help improve air quality in your house. Watch the short video above to learn how!